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SIXNET Sixnet I/OTool Kit
C’est facile de rajouter des fonctionnalités a un controlleur IPm ou RTU. La plupart des programmes d’applications listés ci dessous peuvent être configurés avec le logiciel I/O Toolkit et automatiquement et de manière transparente être intégré à votre projet. D’autre sont disponible via des partenaires de SIXNET.

La programmation avec SIXNET ISaGRAF supporte les 5 langages standard IEC 61131-3 Sequential Function Chart, Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, Instruction List and Function Block Diagram de plus il supporte Flow Chart programming. Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quelle combinaison de ces 5 langages pour écrire un pragramme de contrôle sur un RTU ou un Controlleur SIXNET

The SIXNET Tool Kit is a Windows software utility that makes it easy to design, configure, and maintain your SIXNET I/O systems. This all-in-one utility supports all the latest SIXNET hardware from SixTRAK (introduced in 1995) to EtherTRAK-2 I/O (new in 2008). Use the basic (Level 1) SIXNET Tool Kit to create panel layouts, assign tag names and configure modes of operation for all new SIXNET systems. Then add optional feature sets as needed to provide exporting, datalogging and I/O transfers between stations. With IPm based systems you can also add C programming capability. Optional Add-ons for IPm systems provide even more functionality, including extensive IPm communications security and support for SNMP protocol. The SIXNET Tool Kit is special software that has been created to make your job easier. It is a completely integrated suite of project-oriented tools that help you quickly and effectively view the "big picture" as you design, install and maintain your important systems.

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